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Fully customizable Voronoi treemap visualizing your dog's breed mix!  Choose your own colors, fonts, text, or have me choose one or all of these options for you. The only required information is your dog’s DNA test results, name, sex, and the title (This one is titled “100% Very Good Boy”).


Please provide the following information for customization:

- Your dog's DNA test results (breed/percentage). For example: "Border Collie/18%". Provide the number of breeds you want in the treemap. Each breed is a slice of the map, so I recommend choosing the top 3-10 breeds.

- The title text (required), subtitle text (optional), and footer text (optional)

- Three color codes (HEX, RGB, HSL, or CMYK) or I can choose, if you prefer

- If you have a specific font or fonts you'd like me to use, please provide the names. They must be available in Google Fonts or come installed in Figma or Adobe Illustrator.

- Your dog's name and sex (e.g., "Potato, male")


If you want a print size, type, or finish I do not have listed here, please message me and I'll try to accommodate your request.

100% Very Good Dog Personalized Voronoi Treemap Infographic

SKU: 217537123517253
  • Please provide the following information for customization:

    - Your dog's DNA test results (breed/percentage). For example: "Border Collie/18%". Provide the number of breeds you want in the treemap. Each breed is a slice of the map, so I recommend choosing the top 3-10 breeds.

    - The title text (required), subtitle text (optional), and footer text (optional)

    - Three color codes (HEX, RGB, HSL, or CMYK) or I can choose, if you prefer

    - If you have a specific font or fonts you'd like me to use, please provide the names. They must be available in Google Fonts or come installed in Figma or Adobe Illustrator.

    - Your dog's name and sex (e.g., "Potato, male")

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